
Lightning Strikes Church

Last Wednesday night as we were gathering for a meal before our prayer and Bible study service we noticed something strange. The light fixture in one of the men's restrooms had been broken. The caps that held the cover over the lights were still on, but the glass was shattered all over the counter and floor.

My only suggestion for the situation was that maybe lightning had run into the building. There were small burn marks on the main light fixture, but someone thought those had been there for a while.

Later one of the men walked around the building and found that, indeed, lightning had struck the property. You can see from the video that a light pole took a direct hit. Several feet away the electricity literally blew a streak across the ground toward the back of the educational building. The grass and dirt from the ground was plastered to the wall and on top of the building. Pieces of the light pole were splintered some fifty feet away. The men's restroom, where the glass was broken, was at least forty yards from the light pole.

Amazingly, nothing else in the building appeared to be damaged.

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