
Our Terra Firma

My outline this morning was:

1. How we share.
2. How we settle.
3. How we steward.

The text was Mark 4:21-25. I took liberties with the use of the English language in order to fit my needs. My larger point was that Jesus claims Lordship in the lives of His followers. While that is not an earthmoving revelation to people who take faith seriously, the application of Lordship can reshape our Terra firma. Everyday things like how we talk about Jesus with other people, how we think about the truths He told, and how we use the resources He gives are among the most basic everyday tasks.

I imagine Jesus was positive and infused with enthusiasm as He spoke to the crowds. I think He had a huge smile on His face as he posed the question, "We don't buy a candle to hide the flame under a bed do we?" Or in other words, "We don't have anything to hide. We are here to shine a light and hold nothing back."

Those first disciples learned from that example. Followers in the year 2011 should as well.

"Don't hold anything back." I told the church this today. It struck a chord somewhere because several people mentioned it to me afterwards. When the opportunity is there, when the thoughts are in your mind, give what you've got. The well will never run dry. Don't hold anything back. It'll rock your Terra Firma.

Back in the day...we spoke of this as being in sync with the Lord :-) Steve Taylor did a song about it. Explore it if you dare...

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