
New Covenant Living

The New Covenant was the topic of last night’s Bible study at church. The text was 2 Corinthians chapter three. I told the group, “Would you prefer a picture or a person, a book or a brother, a description or a dad?” Of course the answer is we always prefer the real thing over the copy.

I have pictures of my wife on my desk, but I always prefer her presence to her picture. You can write me a book about my brother, but I will still prefer to go fishing with him. And no matter what kind of description you give, there is nothing quite like sitting on the porch with my dad and listening to him right the world’s wrongs.

Copies are never as good as the original. And that’s what makes the New Covenant so special. Jesus made it possible to know God personally. I did not become a Christian by agreeing to a set of beliefs or by affirming a set of doctrinal statements. It’s not reading the right book or joining the right church that brings joy to my soul. These are all copies to remind me of the real thing. I became a Christian the moment Jesus introduced himself to me. The moment was a work of the Spirit, and it was the same moment I entered into the New Covenant.

Maybe Christ-followers are too well known for belief systems, boycotts, and bad press? Too often we are remembered for what we are against. I hope to help change that perception by living as a person who recognizes the New Covenant is not about doctrine, statements, rules, and laws; it’s about a relationship, about acceptance, and about love. If you don’t believe me, read it for yourself. On second thought, go ahead and read it anyway, even if you do believe me. It’ll do you good.

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