
Opportunity and Call

An opportunity is not the same thing as a call. I can't remember where I first heard that statement but I agree completely. Today I read an example in 2 Corinthians chapter 2 where Paul had an "open door" for ministry but was too troubled in spirit to stay in Troas. The opportunity was real but something called Paul away.

Have you been there? I have. Years ago I was serving as the Interim Pastor of a church near Florala, AL, which being interpreted means, it was a small church outside of a small town and I had no other options at the time.

The congregation was great, and I mean that. These were the kind of folks who raised chickens, rode horses, and could go all week without ever driving on a paved road. They would invite us over for fried chicken after Sunday service. They killed the gospel bird chicken before Sunday School.

Truth is, I really liked the people. And when they voted to call me as their pastor the vote was unanimous. The only 100% vote I've ever had in a Baptist church. But, to use Paul's phrase, I had no rest for my spirit.

I called my pastor (every pastor needs a pastor) and told him the good the bad and the ugly. I talked with my wife, and after she got over the fact that the nearest Wal-mart was an hour away, she was willing to make the move. I prayed and thanked the Lord for the opportunity, but I couldn't shake the simmering in my soul.

I think I used "I don't have peace about it" a few times in my conversation with the chairman of the search committee/deacon/Sunday School teacher/treasurer when I turned down "the call." He was agreeable, but he wished I would have told him before the church voted. I wished that too.

To shorten the story, the church went on to find another Interim Pastor/future pastor. He was a close friend from college, and he had a fruitful ministry there over the next four years or so. I went on to accept a call from a fine church in Daleville, AL. Looking back, I have no doubt the decision was the right one.

An opportunity is not necessarily a call. May our Lord grant us the wisdom to know the difference.

1 comment:


I appreciate the way you gave a personal experience to show that an opportunity is not necessarily God's will. I have to pray every day for discernment. I want to stay in God's will. Thank you for a great post.