
Spring Garden

This is just a little walk through of the 2010 version of our backyard garden. I took this on April 30th and we are already harvesting small potatoes, cabbage, and lettuce. We've also planted English peas (should be ready next week), okra, peppers, squash, corn, tomatoes, and pole beans. We have one cantaloupe plant because the others did not come up, and we plan to plant a few watermelons next week. A few other things will be planted in the next month or so after the corn, lettuce, and cabbage are done.

Gardening requires a certain pace. You can't rush the plants and the preparations and maintenance require almost daily effort. To take care of the garden I have to eliminate the "time wasters" that can fill my day. I have to take the time to work the dirt, listen to the birds, and smell nature. All of which is good for my soul.

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